Contribution of the SMS industry in the fight against the COVID-19 'Coronavirus' in India

Contribution of the SMS industry in the fight against the COVID-19 'Coronavirus' in India

What is SMS (short message service) marketing? Before discussing 'why is SMS the best way to have better communication with your customers which in turn builds your brand', let's try to understand what is SMS marketing. Simply speaking; SMS Marketing means sending promotional and or transactional messages and campaigns to market your business using a text message service called SMS. Most of the time these messages are sent to those people who have opted-in to receive the updates. The information contained in the text message varies from business to business but generally contains time-sensitive offers and updates, etc. Why do we need SMS marketing? This emerges out as a basic question. As more and more people have grown accustomed to other channels of lead generation like- online advertisement and emails etc, they undermine the potential of SMS marketing and turn a blind eye to the amount of ROI they lose due to that. SMS has a read rate of 98% which is many times more than any other channel of lead generation. SMS marketing also provides an additional advantage of reaching non-smartphone users. Another reason why you should also consider text message marketing is because you reach your customers in the most personal and easy way, that too throughout the day! You get a lot of attention from your customer, which is the essence of marketing. These days, many big business businesses like- HBO and Sprint, etc have understood the true potential of SMS marketing and carving out ways to incorporate it into their core marketing strategy. On the other hand, the customers are also happy with receiving a text message than those lengthy e-mails, which they most of the time don't even read. It's even easier for the customers to respond and ask out any query, and they don't need internet for that most of the time.

  1. We have listed a few reasons for you to understand 'why is SMS- The best way to market your business and connect with customers'
  2. Creates personal touch-Your customers don't have to log in to different applications and websites to read your message. With SMS marketing, you reach them anytime and anywhere. We understand that the lifestyle of your customers is as hectic as your own. Instead of adding to their hustle, you give them precise and adequate information without much problem on their part. Second, the SMS has been with us for quite some time. People have more trust in the SMS they receive and they are more open to acting on the information received via a simple text message. 

  3. Hits the bullseye! - Reaches your targeted audience much effectively
  4. Your targeted audience might be the ones who don't own a smartphone, or don't have access to the internet, or don't have the knowledge to use the smartphone, etc. What would you do in such a case? That is why we always say that the SMS/text has a far better reach than its counterparts. It reaches people and conveys your message even when your targeted audience is not that tech-savvy. Your business works much better than your competitors because you understand the SMS-marketing. Hence you get better responses and more profits. But there is one piece of advice you must follow, and that is to not send unwanted text messages and/or too much SMS. That might bore your audience, so they would not be so keen on interacting with your business and might end up ignoring your SMS altogether.
  5. Your customers like the SMS- It's been observed in the market that your customers are more responsive to your SMS especially when the SMS is more engaging and shorter (around 160 characters). Text message marketing is an amazing marketing technique when paired up with attractive discounts coupons, incentive offers, sale offers, opt-in surveys, and polls etc, and brings a lot better business opportunities for you. It is always better to include your SMS number or a shortcode on your other platforms like direct mail, website, and social media pages, etc. 

  6. Speedier and Enticing- With SMS Marketing you reach a large number of people at the same time. Your text messages get to the customer right on time, just when you want it delivered. This instant tool of marketing is way easier to reach your audience than other mediums of marketing. 

  7. Effortless implementation and Management- Most SMS gateways like 'Onetext' equip you with the features where you can easily monitor the effectiveness of your bulk SMS campaign. You can not only measure the performance of your campaign but also get granular reports for the same. SMS marketing is permission-based which gives you a great advantage over other sources as you have a detailed idea about the customer you are targeting. In this way, you can provide them the most precise and relevant information. You can also integrate your text message into your CRM and profoundly track your text message marketing.

  8. Better than other channels- SMS marketing is sure to generate more ROI for your business than other marketing platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and emails, etc because of high open rates and more readability. The power of text message marketing multiplies when combined with distinct features like voice messages and emails etc, and leaves a powerful impact on the audience.

  9. Word of mouth-SMS/text message marketing is an effective and efficient way of not only retaining the old customers but also adding the new customer base to your list. All the businesses are quite aware of the power of the word of mouth, thus whenever your business offers something of value to its customers, it spreads like wildfire, especially when it's done through SMS. You were assured, once you got the SMS. Thus, SMS acted as a stamp of security for you and your families and saving you from a lot of unwanted stress and hustle.