

Simply stating, ‘bulk SMS or bulk messaging means sending/circulation of a large number of SMS/MMS to multiple users all at the same time. By ‘bulk’, we may mean a large volume. A large volume/quantity of SMs is sent to various mobile terminals for delivery. Bulk messaging/SMS is also known by the names such as- text message marketing, bulk text, SMS alerts, mobile messages, SMS marketing, SMS software and business SMS etc. The bulk messaging/SMS is used by almost all types of organizations, ranging from- banks, to retail stores, Govt. organizations, Educational Institutes, health institutes, all kinds of business organizations, NGO’s and so on, for various reasons.

    The reasons are basic but impactful. To study a few-
  • SMS have a global presence. Unlike other platforms you don’t need to specifically download an application over the internet to avail its benefits. Its free and can be accessed without internet.
  • SMS have the highest read-rate, i.e., 98% with a readability time of only 5 minutes which is far more than various social media platforms or e-mails.
  • SMS is delivered instantly and is much more time-effective and cost-effective as compared to its counterparts.
  • SMS are multipurpose, content relevant and reliable. In the hours of demand, time and again, the SMS have proved to be dependable and discreet, which makes them an ideal choice for most businesses.
  • SMS maintains the privacy of the end-user. The features like- profile picture, location, read confirmation are mostly hidden in a SMS service. Hence the SMS are more preferred by the end customers.
  • Bulk SMS/ messages or SMS/messages in general, take about 7 seconds to reach the end user. No internet disturbances, no worry about delivery. This is an important reason, why the bulk SMS/messaging is liked by so many business houses.
  • Because of its readability and adaptability, the SMS is directly associated with conversion rates. Bulk SMS means more conversion rate.
  • SMS can be easily integrated using the APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). You can enable SMS/bulk SMS for your website and application etc, by simply using API
  • Bulk SMS/ messaging is a very effective tool for marketing and awareness even for tight budgets.

Sending large volumes of SMS requires established SMS Gateway such as One Text. Bulk SMS gets broadcasted to large range of users, be it the specific list you choose or all the addresses in your address book. Simple SMS APIs and libraries or SDKs are put to use to automate the bulk SMS sending procedure. The sender may also use SMS text messaging add-on or extension to software (e.g., Microsoft Excel) as per their convenience. The other ways are to use- in-built SMS text application, or using a SaaS (software-as-a-service) application through your web browser (e.g., web SMS portal such as the One Text webSMS). One text provides a single-handed service for SMS marketing using a SaaS application. The programming or scripting languages that are used in this process include Python, Node.js, Go, PHP etc. Senders can use SMS APIs such as SMPP and REST to send and receive bulk SMS.

To send and receive Short Message Service (SMS) messages to and from telecommunication networks, a powerful SMS gateway like One Text is required. SMS gateways routes most of the SMS (if not all), into the mobile networks. The application requests Delivery reports/receipts to point-out the delivery outcome of the SMS. The SMS gateway such as One text bridge the gap between the end-user application which send/receive SMS and the mobile network’s Short Message Service Centre (SMSC). At One Text SMS gateway, we provide our customers with comprehensive choices of SMS APIs, which include HTTP, SMTP, SMPP (Short Message Peer-to-Peer) and Web Services. We at One Text offer SMS aggregators (such as the One Text’s SMS Gateway) and mobile operators. The SMS gateways such as ‘One Text’ operate using high-end software. Depending upon the length of the message, an individual message is generally sent in a single SMS or multiple SMS, while sending bulk SMS. The receiver views the whole message in case they receive a concatenated or long SMS, as it is shown after receiving all parts. The service of bulk messaging can be utilized by the marketing experts to deliver Rich SMS which include image, texts, audio, video and call-to-action (CTA). By using the enhanced features such as One Text’s conversational chatbots, a strong and powerful conversation with the end-users can be initiated which results in Business growth and development.

You can easily operate your own bulk SMS gateway using the services provided by One Text’s SMPP SMS gateway platform. Our platform is completely cloud-based which means, you can operate your own gateway and manage various fields such as- customers info, billing, suppliers’ info/connections, routing and reporting etc. To provide your customers with access to REST SMS APIs, web SMS portals, text marketing campaign portals etc. you can swiftly use additional APIs with One Text’s SMS gateway platform. With One Text, Get your own SMPP SMS Gateway - The three stages-Development, Simulation and Testing. To simulate an SMSC and the delivery to mobiles of a bulk SMS campaign, you need to use One Text’s SMSC Simulator. Simulation is used to test the behaviour and performance of your sending application. The mobile users receive your campaign messages, and to simulate their responses, the application helps you to generate the inbound messages. One Text’s SMPP Testing is used for simulating the messaging application and submission of the messages as part of a bulk SMS/messaging course of action. You can use simulation to test the SMPP compliance, performance, behaviour and capability of your SMSC, SMS gateway or SMPP server. For Load testing, a number of simulated customers take part in the process. These clients submit messages to your server-under-test and you can easily determine the SMS/sec and submit_sm/submit_sm_resp latency.